Virus genome detection - Monkeypox virus / Orthopoxviruses (418)
4 samples of 1.5 ml
Sample properties:
Lyophilised cell culture supernatants/lysates (inactivated)
Shipping Information: Shipping at ambient temperature
Price Per Test:
340,00 Euro
Volume Price (from 2 EQAS):
340,00 Euro
These prices apply exclusively to orders placed through INSTAND e.V.
For orders placed through distributors, prices and services may differ.
Registration deadline:
Sample shipment:
Closing Date:
May (3) | Oct. (5) |
14.03.2025 | 25.07.2025 |
13.05.2025 | 23.09.2025 |
30.05.2025 | 10.10.2025 |
Shipping Information:
Shipping at ambient temperature
Monkeypox virus (DNA) - qualitative, Monkeypox virus (DNA) - quantitative, Orthopoxviruses (DNA) – type identification, Orthopoxviruses (DNA) – qualitative, Orthopoxviruses (DNA) – quantitative
Certificate Validity:
12 months
Safety Note:
Process as patient sample material. The participating laboratory must be authorized to perform direct and/or indirect detection of pathogens.
Additional Information:
The shipment of sample materials for participation in this EQA scheme is subject to a release by the Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control according to the EU Dual-Use Regulation (VO (EU) 2021/821) for sample recipients in non-EU countries. INSTAND e.V. can only process EQA scheme orders from non-EU countries if the ordering laboratories provide a completed end-use certificate, company profile including contact details (e.g. excerpt from website) and, if applicable, an import permit!
Incomplete data will unfortunately lead to cancellation of your registration.
Cooperation with:
Nationales Konsiliarlabor für Pockenviren, Robert Koch-Institut, Zentrum für Biologische Gefahren und Spezielle Pathogene, ZBS 1 - Hochpathogene Viren, Berlin
EQAS Expert:
Dr. med. Martin Obermeier
MVZ medizinisches Infektiologiezentrum Berlin AG
Oudenarder Strasse 16
13347 Berlin
+49 30-34409104-66
Dr. rer. nat. Martin Kammel
Institut für Qualitätssicherung in der Virusdiagnostik - IQVD
Potsdamer Chaussee 80
14129 Berlin
+49 30 8105 4300