Due to the strong demand regarding the addition of the SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOC) analyses to the currently running External Quality Assessment (EQA) scheme for virus genome detection of SARS-CoV-2 (409) and the wide distribution of SARS-CoV-2 variants, INSTAND e.V. offers a separate EQA scheme for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 VOCs (RV group 417) from April 2021.
This new EQA scheme (417) will be established by INSTAND e.V. in its capacity as Reference Institution of the Bundesaerztekammer (German Medical Association) and as EQA provider in consultation with the National Consultant Laboratory for Coronaviruses, Institute of Virology, Charité – University Medicine Berlin, with the Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, and with the Joint Diagnostics Council of the German Association for the Control of Virus Diseases (DVV e.V.) and the Society for Virology (GfV e.V.).
Number of samples and sample properties:
3-5 EQA samples of 1.1 ml each per sample set (2 vials per EQA sample), lyophilized cell culture supernatants Different SARS-CoV-2 positive EQA samples (inactivated) for differentiation of VOCs
SARS-CoV-2 (RNA) VOC sequence analysis
- Nucleotide sequence
- Specification of the VOC
SARS-CoV-2 (RNA) VOC point mutation analysis
- Determination of the VOC-associated mutations
- Specification of the VOC
389,- €/survey
329,- €/additional sample set
Please register via our RV-Online system. Please contact the EQA experts for further information.